Thursday, March 4, 2010

What impact did Chang-Raes' family have on his identity?

Our families teach us more than most of us can ever realize. The impact they have on our lives starts when we are just children and lives on into our adulthood. Each of us has that one special person in our lives who has had the greatest impact on us. In “Coming Home Again” it was Chang-Raes’ mother who had the greatest impact on his character and his identity.

One of the greatest lesson Chengs mother taught him was how to cook. He describes being a child in his mothers’ kitchen and watching her precise movements, cutting, and dicing, mincing and slicing. Whatever it was that she was doing in that kitchen her son was there keeping a close eye on her. He loved to be in that kitchen with his mother, even though time and time again she tried to shoo him out telling him the kitchen wasn’t his place, and that learning her work would only weaken him. Still he would sneak in quietly and observe. He describes those moments as his greatest pleasures when he was a child.


  1. family does have impact on our lives. Do you think that Chang's mother taught him more than cooking? what about the time they were playing basketball? Chang did not know about that. Do you think it was the Korean culture, that women kept in the background?
    You brought out some good points that makes me want to know more.

  2. Kelly,

    You have a great idea and start on your paper. Maybe you could give more detail on other ways his mother impacted him. It was not just the cooking but teaching about his heritage through cooking. He also learned a lot about America with his mother through the neighbors lessons. He learned about courage through his mother and her disease as well as she fought and lost her battle. She also taught him self reliance by sending him to Exeter and allowing him the opportunity to be on his own at an early age.

  3. I also agree with Brian! i think if you give a little more detail your paper will be dynamite!!! goob job!

  4. I agree with you our family does teach us a whole lot of stuff that sometimes its too much for us to remember it all. Our parents just want the best for us. Both of these stories have many similarity and differences.
